Chaitu Tech Bits

how build arm9 tool chain ?? for mini 2440 friendly arm micro 2440

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

This howto will show you how to quickly and easily set up an ARM toolchain so that you can use openembedded. You can also use this toolchain to compile the linux kernel or anything else that you specifically want to compile for the mini2440.

Download the toolchain here.

After you've downloaded the toolchain, you can untar it into your /usr/local directory or somewhere in your home directory if you don't have root access to the machine you're compiling on.

tar xjvfo arm-2008q3-72-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 -C /usr/local

This will create a directory called arm-2008q3 in your /usr/local directory.

Next, you will need to put the path to the toolchain's bin directory into your path. You can do this by editing your ~/.bashrc file and appending the path to your current path variable. Add the following line:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/arm-2008q3/bin

Run the command at the command prompt as well so that you don't need to logout and back in again to update your path.

$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/arm-2008q3/bin

Since you've already added it to your bashrc, from this point on, you shouldn't need to add it to your path anymore.

If for some reason you're not using bash, or you this doesn't work for you, you can manually run the above command each time you want to compile and it will have the same affect.

Next, you should set your CROSS_COMPILE environment variable to match the prefix on the toolchain. If you've looked in the toolchain's bin directory, you've probably noticed a bunch of files beginning with arm-none-linux-gnueabi- .. Well, that's what we set the variable to.
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-

Now anything that you compile that has a properly created Makefile and is capable of being cross compiled will use that toolchain. You'll need to set that variable each time you want to compile. But I don't recommend adding it to your bashrc file since you won't always want to cross compile everything.

You can now start using openembedded.  ( credits goes to bill Sargent )


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